Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Social Bookmarking with Delicious

One of the hassles with this RULA2.0 web2.0 learning program is that it requires so many new online registrations and passwords. For someone who can barely remember his phone number on a good day, this is all TOO much.

However, I did find that setting up the account and downloading the bookmarklet tool was quite easy. The features are fairly intuitive. Finally an e-tool designer that actually gets it! It wasn't too challenging to figure out how to get into and edit my bookmarks' tags. As for tagging, I think this is greatly over-rated. If it works well for you, power to you, but it cannot replace other metadata tools, and dare I say, controlled vocabularies that I like to use. Sometimes a single word just doesn't capture the essence that I'm looking for, and it isn't practical to hyphenate or otherwise conjoin words because of the design of the tagging tool.

I could write a booklet, but don't have time to fool around any more tonight.
Here's a link to my bookmark page:


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